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Every function and block ({ ... }) introduces a new scope for declarations. Each function and block can refer to declarations in its scope or any of the outer scopes.

let x = 10
fun f(): Int {
let y = 10
return x + y
f() // is `20`
// Invalid: the identifier `y` is not in scope.

fun doubleAndAddOne(_ n: Int): Int {
fun double(_ x: Int) {
return x * 2
return double(n) + 1
// Invalid: the identifier `double` is not in scope.

Each scope can introduce new declarations, i.e., the outer declaration is shadowed.

let x = 2
fun test(): Int {
let x = 3
return x
test() // is `3`

Scope is lexical, not dynamic.

let x = 10
fun f(): Int {
return x
fun g(): Int {
let x = 20
return f()
g() // is `10`, not `20`

Declarations are not moved to the top of the enclosing function (hoisted).

let x = 2
fun f(): Int {
if x == 0 {
let x = 3
return x
return x
f() // is `2`